Thursday, August 10, 2006

And Then One Time....At Yearbook Camp

the kettle went to yearbook camp! it wasn't really as dorky as it sounds. at least i don't think so. but then again, i can be kinda dorky myself, and maybe i wouldn't have noticed.

Here are some fun things I learned:
1. I would really enjoy getting into graphic design. Maybe if i hadn't been called by education, that would be my lucrative career.
2. Hot baseball/football coachy looking people from an all boy's schools in Long Island are wonderful. Too bad they are just coming back from their honeymoons. Grrrrr!
3. The wonderful t-shirts i used to design are excellent yearbook prep. Really.
4. I am horrendous - HORRENDOUS! - with paperwork and budgets. In fact, they scare me.

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