Thursday, May 25, 2006

Fleet Week, more boats and seamen than you can shake a stick at

If its Memorial Day weekend, its Fleet Week in New York City. That means lots of boats in the harbor, planes in the skies, tourists on the Intrepid and hot men in uniform all over Times Square, Central Park and, for those with a little extra cash, the Meat Packing District.

There might even be a few men in uniform in Chelsea, the Village and/or Hells Kitchen. And I mean real uniforms, not the ones you pick up at the local fetish shops on Christopher Street. In any event men, don't worry -- if you don't ask, we won't tell.

The weather should be beautiful and its always nice to see the Navy boys and the Marine men enjoy the City whil getting a few days rest.

And to one very special maratime man (whose name ryhmes with Will), The Kettle sends a giggly hello and wants to see you again at Paradise!

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