Friday, March 03, 2006

Save the teachers

Rest assured, the Kettle will be kept safe. From the Asbury Park Press:

Legislation to give private-school teachers the same legal protection against violence enjoyed by public-school teachers was approved by the state Assembly Thursday.

Sponsored by Assemblyman James Holzapfel, R-Ocean, the bill would amend a 1983 law that upgraded simple assault, usually a disorderly persons offense, to a third-degree crime if the attack is on a public-school teacher, administrator, school board member or other school district employee.

Private-school teachers and other employees are not covered by the 1983 law, a point emphasized by the state Supreme Court in a January decision.

Holzapfel's bill would make the third-degree charge apply also to attacks on private-school teachers and other staff members.

The proposal heads to the state Senate for consideration.

YIPPPPEEEEE! Can't wait to get attacked! Then I can enjoy protection against violence!
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