Monday, April 16, 2007
The IRS are the nicest people ever!
The Internal Revenue Service said late Monday that people directly affected by the nor'easter that hit the Northeast will get to a two-day extension for filing their 2006 tax returns. Impacted taxpayers will have until midnight Thursday, April 19, to file their taxes.
"Because this unusually forceful storm hit within 24 hours of the filing deadline, we are giving affected taxpayers 48 additional hours," IRS Commissioner Mark Everson said, according to the Associated Press.
In order to avoid incurring late fees, affected taxpayers should mark their paper tax returns with the words "April 16 Storm," the IRS said. E-filers can use their software's "disaster" feature, if available.
Total sweethearts!
Wednesday, April 11, 2007
And the father is..... (insert snooze)
I barely care about Anna Nicole. No wait, I don't care at all. But I will say this: There are times you are gonna want to do a fist pump, and there are times when you just shouldn't. At least pretend you aren't a frat boy who just won the lottery, right?